Debunking the Myth of Face Oils

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    Face oils often get a bad rap, labelled as pore-clogging, too heavy, or unsuitable for tropical climates and younger skin. In reality, oily skin often signals dehydration beneath the skin surface, leading to excess sebum production that clogs pores.

    The Truth About Face Oils

    Not all face oils are created equal. They are rated 0-5 on how likely they are to trigger comedones (oil seeds) and irritation, with 0 being the best score. Look for face oils with comedogenic ratings of 2 or less. Some good examples are camellia, calendula, jojoba and sweet almond oils, all rated 2 and below. They are potent plant oils that complement our natural skin with hydrating, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-ageing benefits.

    Who Does It Work For

    Most people 30 years and above can benefit from a face oil when the skin starts drying out from age-related loss of hyaluronic acid and collagen. Face oils are safe for dry, dehydrated and sensitive skin, as long as it’s not breakout-prone.

    Often, the underlying reason for oily skin, if not for raging pubertal hormones, is dry skin! The skin over-compensates for the innate dryness by producing more oil, leading to shiny-looking skin, clogged pores and breakouts. Apply a face oil to lock in the moisture, and signal to your skin that there is sufficient hydration and protection – oil glands then calm down for more stable skin. If your skin is oily and breakout-prone due to puberty or hormonal changes, then face oil is not for you.

    For those travelling and living in temperate areas, the low humidity in the planes and cold climates can lead to dry and dull skin. Be ever ready for your holiday and touch down with a glow, just by using a simple blend of serum and a few drops of face oil while onboard.

    How To Use Face Oils

    The general rule of thumb in applying face products is to layer products from the lightest to the heaviest, from the most watery consistency to the creamiest.

    We recommend mixing just 2-3 drops of your chosen face oil into your toner or serum and using this as your base. Layer over with your moisturiser and sunscreen in the day or an overnight mask and moisturiser in the evening.

    Using a face oil neat on the face should be reserved for the driest of scaley cracked skin and over problematic spot areas, such as eczema.

    Our Recommendations

    If your skin is dry and sensitive, add a face oil containing jojoba and squalene (Forest MD’s Intensive White Lotus Oil) to your toner. This creates a moisture sealant, soothes irritated and dry skin, and gives additional healing and repair effects. 

    If you’re breakout-prone, skip the oil and use a lightweight serum containing tea tree (Forest MD ‘s Blemish Clarifying Lotion) or niacinamide (Forest MD’s Asta Collagen Jelly Serum).

    Face oils soften the skin, deliver nutrients and act as sealants. They are only hydrating when used on damp or wet skin, so our doctors advise combining it with Forest MD’s Hydrating Soothing Essence which helps prep your skin for optimal absorption. Once incorporated into your skincare regimen, you’ll notice a marked improvement in your skin’s texture and radiance.

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